
I suffered my first miscarriage in April 2011.  I was 6 weeks pregnant.  It was definitely not a missed miscarriage.  Spotting and intense cramping progressed quickly to heavy bleeding.  I clung to my bed like a life raft, adamantly refusing to go to the hospital.  If I didn’t get the confirmation that it was over, maybe it wasn’t.  And if I was losing my baby, there is not anything that can be done for early miscarriage. I would rather have the privacy of home. After bleeding heavily for several days, I went in for an ultrasound to have what we knew confirmed.  Our first was gone.

Much time passed after our first miscarriage before we were ready to try again.  We all know the statistics.  It was much more likely that our next pregnancy would be successful than not.

It was not successful.

My second miscarriage happened almost four years later, this past January 2015.  It was missed.  My husband and I went for our NT scan at what was supposed to be 11 or 12 weeks.  Pregnancy had stopped at 9 weeks.  Because my body was clearly in denial about the bad news, I was scheduled for a D&C the following morning.

After reading many infertility/pregnancy loss blogs over the last few months since my second miscarriage, I am inspired to start a blog of my own.  I am, like many of you, hoping for a take home baby.

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